Congratulations to Krishna Bharani, Miraj Chokshi, Dietta Chihade, Kevin Nuechterlein, and Brian Sweis for doing a great job today presenting their research to faculty, students and parents at the LUROP Undergraduate Research Symposium at the Gentile Center.  A special congraduations to Brian for winning the award for the best poster in the Natural and Physical Sciences.  Dr. Morrison also received an Honorable Mention for the new LUROP Distinguished Mentor Award thanks to the generous co
Dr. Morrison along with collaborators Dr. Lindsey Richland (University of California, Irvine/University of Chicago) and Dr. Alex Doumas (University of Hawaii), Morrison co-hosted a symposium on the development of analogy at the Society for Research in Child Development in Montreal.  Their recent paper   "A Computational Account of Children's Analogical Reasoning:  Balancing Inhibitory Control in Working Memory and Relational Representation" was also published in the May issue of Developmental Science.

Lab members Bob Morrison, Slava Nikitin, Krishna Bharani, and Kevin Nuechterlein are enjoying a few days in the warm sun in San Francisco while attending the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Slava was swamped with eager neuroscientists when he presented his poster, Analogical Reasoning in Human Prefrontal Cortex:  An Event-Related Potential Approach on sunday morning and Krishna and Kevin experienced the same when they present their's (Electrophysiology of rule-based category learning as a function of age) on Monday evening.  Also received exciting news that next year' CNS will be hosted in Chicago so we can all attend!